Carsten Wilke is Professor of Jewish Thought and Culture at the CEU. He obtained a PhD in Jewish Studies from the University of Cologne and a diploma in Religious Sciences from the École Pratique des Hautes Études of Paris. He has held teaching positions at the College of Jewish Studies Heidelberg, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, and the Free University of Brussels, and realized research projects at the CNRS in Paris, the Ashkenazi Community in Mexico City, the Steinheim Institute for German Jewish History in Duisburg, the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies in Philadelphia, and the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies in Hamburg. His publications on the intellectual and cultural history of European Jewry study medieval and modern Jewish thought, Jewish-Christian relations, Iberian crypto-Judaism, and nineteenth-century religious modernization.
He authored the books Jüdisch-christliches Doppelleben im Barock (Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 1994), Den Talmud und den Kant: Rabbinerausbildung an der Schwelle zur Moderne (Hildesheim, Olms, 2003), Biographisches Handbuch der Rabbiner, part. I: Die Rabbiner der Emanzipationszeit in den deutschen, böhmischen und großpolnischen Ländern, 1781-1871 (Munich, Saur 2004), Histoire des juifs portugais (Paris, Chandeigne 2007; second edition 2015; Portuguese translation Lisbon, Edições 70, 2009), and Farewell to Shulamit: Spatial and Social Diversity in the Song of Songs (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017). His text editions include posthumous works of the French historian Israël Salvator Révah (2 vols. Paris 2003-2004), Die Sittenlehre des Judenthums by Elias Grünebaum (Cologne, Böhlau, 2010), The Marrakesh Dialogues: A Gospel Critique and Jewish Apology from the Spanish Renaissance (Leiden, Brill, 2014), and Consolation aux tribulations d'Israël by Samuel Usque (Paris, Chandeigne, 2014). He is co-editor of the conference volumes Antonio Enríquez Gomez, un poeta entre santos y judaizantes (Kassel: Reichenberger, 2015) with J. Ignacio Díez, Modern Jewish Scholarship in Hungary: The ‚Science of Judaism' between East and West (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016) with Tamás Turán, and Isaac Orobio: The Jewish Argument with Dogma and Doubt (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018).