Public Lectures 2003-2004
'Is Life Beautiful? Laughter After Auschwitz'
Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Screening of the film "They Looked Away"
Produced by Paul B. Miller
Followed by a roundtable discussion on 'Why Did They Look Away? The Controversies of not Bombing Auschwitz' with the participation of Professor Paul B. Miller (McDaniel College, Westminster, Maryland, USA), ProfessorGabriel Gorodetsky (Curiel Center for International Studies, Tel Aviv University,Israel) and Gábor Kádár (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
Jews and Gentiles. Historical Sociology of Their Relations
Zoltan Tarr
Can Kibbutzim Survive in Today's Israel?
Jo-Ann Mort and Gary Brenner, Givat Haviva Institute, Israel
co-sponsored by the Humanities Center
Jews as Germans? Nationalism and the Jews in Austria-Hungary
Marsha Rozenblit, University of Maryland, USA
co-sponsored by the Nationalism Studies Program
The Orthodox Churches in Dialogue with Judaism
Nicholas de Lange, Cambridge University, UK
The Legacy of Modern East European Jewry: Creativity, Conflict and Catastrophe
Zvi Gitelman, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
The Middle East after the Iraq War
Shlomo Avineri, Institute for European Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
co-sponsored by the Nationalism Studies Program
Scholarship, Politics, and Yiddish Culture: The YIVO Institute in Eastern Europe, 1925-1939
Cecile E. Kuznitz, Bard College, New York, USA