VII. Jewish Studies Yearbook (2009-2011)
András Kovács - Michael L. Miller:
Yom Tov Assis:
Shlomo Seneor - From Segovia to Buda
Randolph L. Braham :
Hungary: the Controversial Chapter of the Holocaust
Sergio DellaPergola:
Demographic Trends, National Identities and Borders ín Israel and the Palestinian Territory
Eleonore Lappin-Eppel:
Deportations of Hungarian Jews to Austria (1944/45)
Mikołaj Winiewski - Michał Bilewicz:
Are Surveys and Opinion Palis Always a Valid Tool to Assess Antisemitism? Methodological Considerations
Felicia Waldman:
From Demoness to God's Partner: The Astonishing Career of the World's First Feminist, Lilith
Hana Kubátová:
Popular Responses to the Plunder of Jewish Property in Wartime Slovakia
Ferenc Laczó:
Dual Identities: The lsraelite Hungarian Literary Society, 1929-1943
Carsten Wilke:
Medieval Hebrew Inscriptions: Towards a European Database
András Kovács:
Matter of Embarrassment: Documents on Secret Negotiations between Hungary and Israel, 1957-1961
Jewish Studies Public Lecture Series, 2009-2011